A fan asked me this question today and since I took the time to answer him I am going to answer it for everyone. Quick scheme for money? Not at all, although the extra cash does come in handy for buying some sexy stuff to wear to my date and make sure I am up to par with sexy nails, feet... etc it is NOT a scheme is any way, shape, form or fashion. The reason is quite SIMPLE. I love and care for each and every one of my fans as if personal friends and family in my every day life. Unfortunately, my time and availability is LIMITED. I would LOVE to meet all of you, but its IMPOSSIBLE! So the raffle creates a FAIR way of choosing who I meet and hang out with, without my concious baring guilt. So there you have it. Your opportunity as a fan for a chance to get up close and personal with Mz Platinum Puzzy. My raffles are FAIR, I draw your tickets on CAM with EVERYONE in a group conference chat on yahoo so you see for yourself its COMPLETELY by chance and nothing unfair or rigged about it. Hit me up to find out when I will be in YOUR neck of the woods!!