Why I am leaving the business

Its circulating that I am leaving the adult entertainment world, and ITS TRUE! Unless you have actually run a site, d0ne videos, traveled to meet clients - then you wouldn't know the financial.. emotional and just timely sacrifices that are made. Aside from making most of my life an open book... and being available MOST of the time... I am just not enjoying this anymore. I am dealing with more and more liars, and rude people. I just don't have the patience to keep on with something that isn't as profitable as it is a real pain in the ass lately. Will I be back? MAYBE... but I need a real break. www.platinumpuzzy.net is disabled.. alth0ugh if you are interested in some videos I might be willing to let you buy them personally. If I owe you cam time or videos they are coming... my computer had mad viruses and is being worked on. REAL TIME... select clients. www.platinumplumpas.com is still up and will be updated. I will talk every once in a while... but don't expect much from me.
