HIM: you got a show coming up? ME: not right now taking a shower after I find some cold meds HIM: k i could bring you some ME: Im sure, and for payment get some pussy.. HIM: nah i wanted to be in a show ME: lol and get some pussy HIM: nevermind i just thought i was gonna be in one ME: you did HIM: yeah ME: why you say that HIM: but i guess i see thats not gonna happen lol ME: it may not happen when YOU want it to, and if thats how you feel then maybe it wont... HIM: huh ME: you pressin bout it HIM: if thats how i feel what you talking about i was just trying to show you i was down about it ME: we just talked about it a couple of days ago HIM: i wanna get down ME: but when I am ready I will let you know. Before I let it happen there are some things I have to do... HIM: aight forget it i am trying to get in the industry didnt you have to start somewhere ME: yes... but at THEIR timing not mine HIM: im not trying to get free pussy im not trying to getover im just trying to learn, im showing interest thats all ME: Thank you, but when its time I will let you know HIM: its cool i guess i am pressing it so i wont bother ME: you wont bother what? HIM: with the issue no more ME: does that mean you aren't interested... or you just not gonna trip in the meantime? HIM: im not any more when we talked you made it seem like i was gonna get into soon now its a when you say go kind of thing its cool i wont bother no more about it ME: you expectin it right away... HIM: i will just be a fan ME: and thats fine, best wishes
HIM: yeah ill get a start somewhere and ima be something good ME: Thats wonderful...Good luck.
HIM: and its not gonna be with some fat hoes lolgoodbrova84 has signed out. (9/27/2008 4:07 PM)
ME: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @ fat hoes with you beggin ass. And just like a pussy you run off line after makin such an IGNORANT COMMENT... Stop beggin for pussy - real fuckin UNmanlike and pathetic.
So that's how my day started! Ha... I did cam shows until 8am with 5 cams running SIMULTANEOUSLY! That's right 2 yahoo cams 2 eyeball cams and IMLIVE all at once. I am the SHIT!! HAhahaha! Made a little bit of change, but on my way to make more because I need some serious cheddar ASAP!! I am running some hot mofo specials! ~~ see me about what they are ~~
I saw Margaret Cho last night! OMG - she is the FUCKIN bomb! If you get a chance to check her out, DO! Going back on cam... see ya!