It was a VERY long trip from Little Rock, AR to Los Angeles, CA but with the hustle and our determination to be at the Urban X Awards ceremony Sienna Hills and I made our way with a 26 hr drive cross country. Arriving in LA SUPER late, and more than overdue for a shower and some solid sleep we ended up getting a room at a "HOE-tel" which proved interesting at best. Awakened with a HOE bangin on the door to the room next to us which we could hear in our room like it was directly in front of us, we showered again and left that morning on our way to run our pre-show errands. Time was slipping so fast and after driving what seemed like across country again to get the tickets, we dropped off everyone's set and hauled ass to the makeover center in Long Beach where Platinum Trashley and Platinum Heather Liscious gave me the ultimate make over! A sleek sexy black n silver sequin dress that accentuated my ass SO well, some hot pink heels and curly hair down long - smokey eyes it was definitely time to take our sexy asses to the awards.
We missed the red carpet, made it before they actually started the awards just in time to get to our VIP table and patiently awaited the show to present our nominations and awards. It wasn't long before the screen read "BEST RADIO ADULT TALK SHOW - PlatinumPuzzyRadio.com" and I heard a ton of people clapping and shouting. Black Pashion XXX, Sienna Hills, Darla Manning aka A darling bbw plus the blonde twins were a great cheering crowd, but honored to have Farrah Foxx and some others cheering along as well. Then the moment came when they were calling BBW OF THE YEAR... and without me even knowing they called the nominees which I was so proud for just that in itself. When they called Platinum Puzzy as the winner, I nearly passed out in surprise!! OMG....what was going thru my head was "I couldn't believe that FINALLY I am being recognized and appreciated for all my hard work!!!" Yes, but even moreso... later that night a good friend of mine and co-star (male talent) came to me and said "If you could've seen the look on HER face when they were getting ready to call the winner - she had the tears ready, her look of surprise and began standing up to accept the award... and then your name was called and she immediately stopped crying and said WHAT THE FUCK oh HELL NAH" it was priceless. God don't like ugly baby. You all can hate on me if you want to and dispute my nomination, dispute my awards at the end of the day it bares NO weight.
You see I have tried SO hard to stay out of the "beef's" and the bullshit. I have more haters than I know what to do with. I don't respond to the things said TO me, ABOUT me, or SUB tweets/statuses because I am working on building a brand, and an empire far beyond what you simple minded can possibly imagine. Keeping it classy is DIFFICULT at times when you have your race being attacked, and questioned. But I am remaining strong despite the facebook threats and unnecessary sub-tweets. Trust me IGNORE, BLOCK and DELETE has given me the power to tune you lames out. Practice some professionalism and focus on your craft instead of being a cyber bully. Seriously, it's so childish. No one cares how gangster you are, it's an adult business so act like one.
So what's next for me? Oh boy.... Team HeavyWeight Hotties is in FULL effect! I am working on some super BIG projects that will set things into a faster motion... although right now I could use a few weeks off. Haven't been home since June 15th and ready for some much needed time off but that's not likely to happen so STAY GRINDIN - STAY POSITIVE and catch you guys on the flip side.
We missed the red carpet, made it before they actually started the awards just in time to get to our VIP table and patiently awaited the show to present our nominations and awards. It wasn't long before the screen read "BEST RADIO ADULT TALK SHOW - PlatinumPuzzyRadio.com" and I heard a ton of people clapping and shouting. Black Pashion XXX, Sienna Hills, Darla Manning aka A darling bbw plus the blonde twins were a great cheering crowd, but honored to have Farrah Foxx and some others cheering along as well. Then the moment came when they were calling BBW OF THE YEAR... and without me even knowing they called the nominees which I was so proud for just that in itself. When they called Platinum Puzzy as the winner, I nearly passed out in surprise!! OMG....what was going thru my head was "I couldn't believe that FINALLY I am being recognized and appreciated for all my hard work!!!" Yes, but even moreso... later that night a good friend of mine and co-star (male talent) came to me and said "If you could've seen the look on HER face when they were getting ready to call the winner - she had the tears ready, her look of surprise and began standing up to accept the award... and then your name was called and she immediately stopped crying and said WHAT THE FUCK oh HELL NAH" it was priceless. God don't like ugly baby. You all can hate on me if you want to and dispute my nomination, dispute my awards at the end of the day it bares NO weight.
You see I have tried SO hard to stay out of the "beef's" and the bullshit. I have more haters than I know what to do with. I don't respond to the things said TO me, ABOUT me, or SUB tweets/statuses because I am working on building a brand, and an empire far beyond what you simple minded can possibly imagine. Keeping it classy is DIFFICULT at times when you have your race being attacked, and questioned. But I am remaining strong despite the facebook threats and unnecessary sub-tweets. Trust me IGNORE, BLOCK and DELETE has given me the power to tune you lames out. Practice some professionalism and focus on your craft instead of being a cyber bully. Seriously, it's so childish. No one cares how gangster you are, it's an adult business so act like one.
So what's next for me? Oh boy.... Team HeavyWeight Hotties is in FULL effect! I am working on some super BIG projects that will set things into a faster motion... although right now I could use a few weeks off. Haven't been home since June 15th and ready for some much needed time off but that's not likely to happen so STAY GRINDIN - STAY POSITIVE and catch you guys on the flip side.
NEXT STOP: Texas (Dallas/Houston) if you are in the area and want to watch a live shoot, or perhaps personal time with Sienna and/or I email me platinumpuzzy@gmail.com
If you wish to purchase something from our vault of goodies please visit: