You know it's been a minute since I fired up the nasty cam? Well I am going to be back on the grind starting Tuesday Nov 20th beginning 9am - 2pm. That's right, if you wanna get freaky and show me what you workin with.. or you wanna see me play with my toys - you know you can find me on http://www.platinumspuzzy.com/ :) Also, for CURRENT paying members to my site I am holding a MEMBERS only cam show Tuesday @ noon. I might have a couple of special guests with me so you definitely wanna sign up for http://www.platinumplumpas.com/ to check out that PAYING MEMBERS ONLY XxX show XxX! New updates on the site twice a week and more videos being added so definitely well worth the price of $12.95.
Aside from that, business talk the casting call is overwhelming my time. I am going to take the rest of the day off today and get back on that tomorrow. I am overwhelmed with emails and photos from applicants who all feel they are qualified to be my stunt dick. Geez... do I have to pick JUST one? LOL
Never fair... so I am going back to my chill zone.. catch you hot and sexy mofo's later. I might be testing my cam tonight so add me on yahoo messenger: platinumpuzzycam or EYEBALL (I prefer) platinumpuzzy
Never fair... so I am going back to my chill zone.. catch you hot and sexy mofo's later. I might be testing my cam tonight so add me on yahoo messenger: platinumpuzzycam or EYEBALL (I prefer) platinumpuzzy
Love all of you - Platinum