Wow, lots of great opportunities are coming my way and if you are on my team you can count on blessings. Some of you have been asking for my Christmas wish list so here it goes: pocket size scanner, cd scratch remover, NICE computer speakers, wireless keyboard/mouse, firewire card for laptop, 2gs compact flash memory card, luggage set, photo printer, Vera Wang Princess perfume, Bath & Bodyworks Japanese Cherry Blossom lotion-spray-shower gel, food processor, tattoo, a boyfriend, a professional camera, new car... is that enough? LOL Other than that, the end has come for BBWadultradio and Flirts night club in St Albans WV. Too much drama and we are wasting our time and money with that whole situation. For those that came out and showed support we appreciate it. Right now we are going to re-group and get the station back on track. I am working on getting things back to live guests, featured artists and all that. Things have been hectic but its all good. We learn :) And as for the up and coming projects, can't give out details - just yet. But know that its going to be BIG! Also had a date last night, got me some goooooooodies! Nice guy and we had a blast. Went bowling and I won the first game! Second game I lost but after that we had ice cream, walked along the river and that was so romantic. Then we went back to his place and smashed! He sucked my foot, toes and everything else ya know? LOL Overall date **** 4 stars! Potential for more, possibly.. but still leaving that window open for other options. Could THAT be YOU? Also be on the look out for the Christmas gift I have for all my fans and friends! :) Muahz Plat