I know I missed some entries... and I didn't realize I had avid readers LOL - so to make up for the lost time let's get started with my new hair do. Brown, red and blond - I think it looks SO cute. No cut done, just the color and curls. I have naturally curly hair but I had her do some subtle curls. Hope you guys like it :) I have this BOMB idea that I think will explode once I get it in motion and get investors on board. If not, I will pinomp myself if I have to and get it marketed cus I think it will be huge. Also working on my Christmas list. Lots of you are asking what I want... and I have some gifts for you too!! I know that my #1 gift request is a Blackberry phone. I have a cheap phone that broke and not eligible for upgrade. I have the service just need the phone :) I am trying to find some artists to help me design some gear and make me some custom Platinum Puzzy drawings. Always grinding! LOL I am going to close by saying... to Mr NY who gave me the night of my life that I SO needed.. thank you!