Missin some of you...

I think it's finally hit everyone that I am out of the business now.. and with the peace comes the potential for drama - but I am batting it away with every part of my good heart. I have been working hard, playing very little. Trying to keep my plate clear... I have personal goals to meet before I let someone in. Good good... saw him about a week and a half ago...I drove 2 1/2 hours to see him for a few hours and drove back @ 2am to get home and get ready for work in the morning. I can't do it anymore. I like him, but this is ridiculous. I travel all over to see him and ONCE he came to me. I deserve better. I deserve MORE. No committment from this and I am traveling like we engaged or something. I NEED MORE. So I am back to SOLO SOLO with really no potentials. Honestly, I like it that way. Men tend to complicate things, and women... my bisexual experiences are in my past. Dealing with people I HAVE to deal with and everyone else when I feel like it. I am happy, content, and LOVING my new life. I do miss some of you, but no one really keeps in contact with me so I guess they have moved on to the next best thing. Perhaps I should shut down this blog? Does anyone even read it? I have contemplated coming back... but with no love what's the point? Hmmm...


Unknown said…
I have been there the way you feel with no support from the people that was all around when times were good. But with this new quietness you have time to think and get your head clear to make some new and good decisions. I wish you the best in whatever you do in the future.