This last week has been interesting to say the least. First of all, I dropped my cell phone in tea so for those of you who had text messages but no picture mail or video for a couple of days I had to get a new phone (and it cost me BIG TIME) so now you should be getting the daily naughty xxx text messages, video mail and picture mail. Email me if not. Anyways the phone loss put a huge dent in business but certainly didn't effect my social life. I hung out with the family on the 4th... I know everyone has the drunk and we certainly had ours. My sister got totally wasted where I had a few drinks but moderately spread thru-out the day. I felt good but was always aware of what was going on. So that was an adventure. Got home mad late but to my surprise had a note on the door from my booty call who left me a dozen roses on my door asking me to call when I got home. I contemplated waiting til morning but since EVERYONE was gone for the night I figured I would take advantage of the privacy and gave him a call. Unfortunately he was already in bed and wasn't up for driving all the way over so I showered, got comfy and hit the pillow. No longer than 20 minutes later the doorbell rings and GUESS WHO? Its the police asking me if I heard anything suspicious in the last few minutes... someone thinks their house was being broken into. Needless to say I had JUST fallen asleep and thought it was him so I ran to the door almost sliding down the stairs and breaking my leg in excitement for my surprise guest. The police... ugh! FUCK.. are you serious?? So I sat on the couch for a moment to unwind from my beating heart nearly jumping out my chest. Then the doorbell rang again.. I am like "What the fuck now" And they came back to let me know "Don't be alarmed, it was your neighbors inebriated husband trying to get back into their house and she locked him out - thought his entry was a burglar and called 911, they found him passed out in the neighbors yard" So I was glad there was no foul play but much to my enjoyment my fuck buddy pulled in to my drive just as they were leaving!!! YEAHHHHH this wasn't all in vein. He came, picked me up and carried me in the house- locked the door and just started kissing me like I've never been kissed before. He is SUCH a good kisser MMmmm. This encounter was much different than the others. He was so passionate, sensual and loving. It scared me a bit because I am VERY comfortable being just fuck buddies and don't want to develop any uncomfortable "relationship" issues. We went upstairs, he laid me on the bed and proceeded to eat my pussy like "WHOA!" I came so many times my leg started to cramp. I BEGGED him to fuck me, and he said - "No... I am in control and you just sit back and enjoy" So I did... and let me tell you I came more times in 1 night than I have every in my life! I squirted like Niagra Falls... And he wouldn't let me move... he made love to me in every possible position like I was 99 lbs and not 200+. So I laid there in absolute bliss.. and said "Wanna do me in the ass?" No sooner than I could finish the question he grabbed the lube, and gently fucked my ass... and it was SOOOOO good! He moaned like a horny cat LOL fuckin loved it!!
So Saturday rolled around, and I was on kid patrol - went to a babyshower and was out til late that night too. Yeah - having a social life for once. I know my online buddies were a bit disappointed but Kari needs to get out every once in a while with NON work related events. Got home and crashed. Woke up and had a very "masturbating" day Sunday remembering the events of Friday like a movie I replay in my head over and over. He text messaged me and said that he can't stop thinking about me and that night either. "Wow..." ~~It's a booty call Kari~~ So I am getting prepared for the Miami shoot this coming up weekend. With the holiday hoping that my test results aren't delayed and everything works out ok. I can't wait to meet the other girls (who I still remain a secret) but trust me you will know soon enough~~ til later I will be online getting updates done and all that fun stuff!! Muahs -