
I am ever so glad to be back in Florida! I had fun in Atlanta, doing the video shoot... networking with photographers/videographers, etc and doing photo shoots but nothing is like being in the comfort of your own home. We left relatively late Thursday night and got into Atlanta/College Park area around 4am... we crashed (got into bed) lol and was up early Friday morning to get accessories for the shoot, hair styles in order and products, etc. SO much work but soooo necessary. This house we were shooting in was FABULOUS and a one time opportunity so we wanted everything to be perfect. We started off at Annie's Beauty Supply and met up with a cool and refreshing guy "B" is what we call him... who helped us try on wigs. He was definitely of feminine in some ways and a hilarious character. When he was let in on who I was and what I do... he was flippin out cuz I was totally out of character with no make up, hair not done, sweat shorts and a t shirt so it took him a minute to place that someone like me could to porn. It was funny as hell... so once he realized that's what I needed different looks for shoots he just got all into it! He was fuckin cool as hell... and he got our business cards so hopefully he calls... if not we know where to find B! We left there and headed to Wally world for the little things everyone forgets on their travels... found some hot ass pink lace boy shorts that would go with my hot pink shoot and headed back to the house to organize everything and get it all planned out. We smoked a blunt.. and before you know it 11pm and it was time to get to bed. Wow, 8am came super fast and it was rip and run from there. We got to the set around 10am which was on the other side of Atlanta. Got in and started preparing for our shoots, got into the make up artist and did my hair. Starting shooting with an awesome photographer who was EXTREMELY professional and made me very comfortable. Hot pink on a fat ass pool table was definitely a nice set. The house.... in one word - AMAZING! This place was fabulous to say the very least. Photos coming soon...the video went ok... too many damn folks there that didn't need to be there which acted as a major distraction and made things far more difficult than need be. Noon - the food arrives and "Taste of Florida" catered the event. Fuckin delicious garlic shrimp, hot wings, garlic potatoes, corn on the cob - excellent food! Back to shooting, and working on the video. 5pm - the liquor arrived and the comedian came out of me! Eye candy was everywhere and damn my pussy throbbed off looking at some of the guys on set. Mmmm there was this island guy that had the body of an angel... soft sexy shaved skin... green eyes and a bald head that would look beautiful between my legs. We kicked some conversation, and he was just soooooo hot, hella smart and sexy voice.... I tried to get some of that after the shoot.. but no go. He had to leave out back to North Carolina when it was done. So - mingled til 11pm... went home and crashed. Got up 11am and took off back to Florida. I know........ you wanted gushy fuckin details of wild sex and I didn't get any. HOW YOU THINK I FEEL? Back to work tomorrow! See ya on cam ~ http://www.platinumspuzzy.com/ and updates are in http://www.platinumplumpas.com/ Ciao~