I am so confused! Let's see, since I last posted - I have been a busy beeeee! Aside from the normal promoting - especially the Atlanta trip that I swear NO ONE seems to wanna see me until after I get back and then everyone acts like "Hey when are you coming to Atlanta?" Umm, been there dummy! OCT 9-12th... it's everywhere!! Hehehe :) But anyways, excited about this big shoot I am doing. This should be some hot content and I can't wait to share it. Speaking of sharing, I found a few forums that have my content on them. Yeah - hacked my site and ripped my content. I can't say I didn't know it was happening or that I never thought it would be my site - but to see it for myself was crazy! I wasn't sure if I should be flattered or pissed! There isn't alot I can do about it, although it is someone I talk to .. they posted that they "have conversations with me... and think I am nice" Umm, ok? If I find out who you are I won't be so nice anymore I guarantee that much. I work really hard at what I do, and I won't get on the soapbox about it.. but that just fuckin ERKES me! Anyone who keeps up with these posts knows how I feel about it... so let's leave it at that.
So you want the details of my "absence" I am SO sure... well booty call has stepped up his game and been cumming by (cumming in more ways than one LOL) more often. He wants to do a video ~ yes ladies and gentlemen a VIDEO! So you can see the monster cock FIRST hand and see how he makes my pussy moan for more! When he came over, he had just worked out at the gym so he was feeling all strong and shit. He decided to pick me up, and when I felt his rock hard anatomy... it was game on! I asked him if he thought he could fuck me standing and holdin me against the wall. Ummm HELLO? Have YOU ever done this or had it done?? A-FUCKIN-MAZING! Wow, that shit was the grand finale to the grand finale! Talkin bout bringin it home, I am 279 lbs of pure, plump & curvy FATness. HOW? Doesn't matter.... that shit was absolutely wonderful and some of the best shit I have ever had! He wants to do anal, but I just don't know if I want that monster dick inside my ass making it difficult to shit. Gross... maybe - but its fuckin true! You know diggin in the ass with ANY size dick is cause for malfunction but THIS dick is bound to reach my spine!! I'll have to be drugged up, drunk and damn near passed out... don't know bout all that. But anyways, today I went over to his house and he ordered the BEST italian I have had since NY. Yum yum... he is helping with the whole feeding frenzy and wants to see some lbs on me... even though the scale says 279 he says he don't see it and wants to make my ass grow! Haha... at first I was kinda offended but then... nah - that's cool I want a huge ass like Pinky anyways. My favorite mainstream BBW is Lisa Sparxxx. Met her at Exxxotica Miami and she is hella cool... sexy as hell yum yum!
Well that wraps this up... night!