It's been a week since my last post, and nothing too exciting has been going on so really nothing to report. HOWEVER, there were some gushy details and events so let me spill the beans. As you see in the photo above, I did get to shoot this past weekend. Although my halloween was very boring and I stayed in, I did meet this HOT kid whom I just had to get my pussy on! LOL See, I stayed in because this weekend is the HUGE Florida vs Georgia game in Jacksonville (GO GATORS!) and there are crazy kids in costumes actin ridiculous and drunk assholes starting fights so I needed to stay out of trouble. Saturday I went downtown to check out some of the things going on and ran into D South and some of his crew. He had a friend there so I just assumed he was either a camera guy or an actor so while talking to D I eyeballed this kid and made some comments hinting to my desire to try him out. Turns out, he isn't either of the 2, matter of fact not in the business at all. He is just a friend of D's who wanted to come check out the festivities. D and I had some catching up to do, it's been some years since I have seen him and long before I got in the business so we decided to go throw some beers down at Hooters *My favorite downtown Jacksonville hang out* and look at all the fine ta-ta's serving us LOL I also knew this would get me closer to the kid. Let me tell you, he had my mouth watering like some of the hottest buffalo wings @ hooters! He stood about 6'1 slender build but he had this stomach that was cut like a perfect diamond! I could see through the wife beater he was wearing (thank God for warm fall weather in Florida) and his arms... YUMMY! I knew that with his build he HAD to have a nice package and some good ol' lovin. So we sat, kicked it up ... he was real shy. I asked D if maybe he wasn't interested, and D later indicated that he knew who I was and was kind of nervous. I was SOOO flattered and that turned me on EVEN more!! So I was more aggressive and helped him unwind. I then suggested that we go back to my house and D with his business mind decided to catch it on camera!! Good job D... My guys LOVE to see me in action and especially from real life encounters. So - we went at it... THEN D... couldn't help himself and jumped in!! OMG - 2 dicks at once... doesn't THIS look familiar? Ha... so I have 2 dicks now... the rest is all history on Dick Duo - coming to www.platinumpuzzy.net SOON! LOL yah I know - you want to hear all about it - but the only thing I am going to leave you with is that D stuck my ass with his thick ass dick and I threw that ass back at him so hard he busted that creamy cum all over my ass is dripped down my pussy!! Those pics from the shoot INCLUDING the drip pics are available at www.platinumplumpas.com on Monday's update. I will be taking my big ass on cam now - www.platinumspuzzy.com so enjoy yourself! oh.... I am leaving Wed for houston, tx - so those of you in the area who want to $EE me need to contact me NOW - my internet will be limited while there not having a cell phone internet service or a laptop anymore so get me NOW!