Oh I don't even know where to start. Mimi and I left crack of dawn Tuesday and headed to Fayetteville, NC. The trip was planned in conjunction with a photo shoot and site assistance for http://Freayfattys.com Ms Blaze. I've known her for years and finally made way to come do some share content. Ive been dying to get into that cute lil ass of hers!! LOL So we drove... finally got to the ville and spent hours trying to find a decent affordable hotel room - IMPOSSIBLE. We were referred to KNIGHTS INN on Bragg Blvd and that was a HUGE mistake. First of all, the place was disgustingly dirty and filthy. This place looked like a CSI crime scene. The door to the room was kicked in, nothing worked, the beds didnt match and were sunk in. We went 5min later and got our money back. They were rude about it... but fuck it - there were crack heads and dope dealers all over the place. Not exactly where we wanted to be. WE HAD TO LEAVE. SO we headed to the Holiday Inn... MUCH better, friendly people and accomodations were perfect. I went to the COUNTRY to shoot with Blaze and Isys. LOTS of fun... on that one!
From there we hit the road and traveled to Winston-Salem where I was meeting a "fan" - it was the craziest situation ever! Kid was cool at first, we ate at TGI Fridays where they shorted my steak and got me sick. He took me back to the room and Mimi was expecting company so we bounced and went to his house. I knew it was a no-no, but at the time I trusted him and felt like I could handle myself so I went. Didn't stay long, but ended the night and went to bed. I had gotten food poisoning... nice huh? Next day, I slept damn near the whole day and into the night. I got up to bath, and while I was in the bath apparently Mimi Melons and this kid were talking online and arguing with each other. The situation escalated to the point that she told him she was going to block him and never let him speak to me again. He got so infuriated that he jumped in his car and drove to our room!! UNINVITED he came to confront Mimi face to face... and this was totally scary. You just don't do that... so he was asked to leave and spent all night trying to convince me and justify his actions. I felt so disrespected ... Ugh...
So next day, we packed up and headed to VA to meet one of our NF friends. Before we left, we ran into a cool guy who hooked us up with some FIRE ganj. In the meantime, the wireless card for internet broke... and we ran trying to fix that and get internet back in the car. NIGHTMARE! Got to VA, got to the room and hung out with our guy... had a blast and made his night - then left back to Winston-Salem. Hung out there for the night... and the next morning back to Fayetteville. Got there, grabbed a room and dealt with the local trash... ugh. Then we hooked up with Ms Blaze and the rest of the hotties to do a photo shoot in the barber shop - that was SO MUCH FUN... hot sets of pics and total orginality! Mimi gave us the Victoria Secret runway model walk... SUPA FLY and funny - but thats all Im going to say about that! Hit the road the next day... and finally I am home! That's what you missed this week... lol catch up more later.