I tried out my new hairstyle again! I absolutely love it but glad its a wig so I can still rock my long hair. Diversity - you know that's me all day. So... the trip to DC didn't go exactly as planned. And we are having to reschedule. Thanks to delays I stayed at the airport until Saturday afternoon when I finally arrived back home and had enough airport fun. Felt like the terminal (movie with Tom Hanks) and.. furthermore I hated getting to meet up with Carmyell OR Caramel Kitten!! Anyways, we will reschedule and with my new flight guy - hook up's are in the future! You know what that means, "nothing is for free" so I am going to have to break him of some "Platinum Puzzy" to keep him satisfied! :)

The new update is up on PLATINUMPLUMPAS.COM ~ the last of that particular set in NC. New stuff destined to hit the site Friday - MORE VIDEOS! Yeah... More content being shot for the new site which is going to be SO hot! I will be leaving for Fayetteville NC July 17-19th and ALLEGEDLY Houston, TX July 24-26th - and officially Sept 25-27th NYC :)
Im close with this... I got company coming time to get naughty!