That is the new update on
the site - check it out and for the next 5 people to join I am passing out DVD's with unseen footage and videos. I don't even know how many pics are on the site now - well over 10,000 I am sure. As for the videos we have passed the 50 mark and lots of hardcore interracial action! So go check out the site, and new graphics being added daily!

On another note, I have been off the filming scene for a minute. I started a new job and its taken off pretty fast. I stay busy there, you know they use me to the fullest! LOL I miss being available as much, but I have to go where the money is stable. Lots of projects in the midst of Platinum Puzzy productions. Be on the alert for those....

Just wanted to give a quick update - tour 09 postponed. Los Angeles and Vegas got cancelled. Too many of you think I travel for shits and giggles and I am just looking to party. I WISH I had $$ like that... but these are business trips. My time is valuable.. you get what you want I get what I want and we walk away happy. Please stop tryin to sell me on how it's going to be so good for me I will want to pay you. Are you serious? ~ So until further notice travels have been suspended. You want to see me, let's talk money. Otherwise, check the updates on the website. Fa real now... I am going to get back to work. Tons of updates to work on. Catch me on the flip mode! ~I got company coming soon! Yehhhhhhhhhhhh - the island guy I shared with Mimi Melons is on his way~ I need to get ready!