All 3 of us in one hot, erotic, FUN and steamy cam show OR if you are in the DC/VA/MD/Bmore areas email me platinumpuzzy@gmail.com to book your time! For all 3 of us - $400hr, $250 for half. OR $150 hr each 100 half. We are going to be doing shoots together - girl girl girl, boy girl girl girl, boys and girls - HELL its gonna be a party up there! << href="http://twitter.com/platinumpuzzy">twitter but have known Carmyell for years and absolutely love and adore her. So far, Kitten has stepped up and truly shown me love but after this weekend - we will be a united team of HOT BBW's offering OREO like no other! We are so hot Nabisco gonna wanna name cookies after us! :)
Flight leaves @ 7:55pm, I arrive in BWI 1am. 2 1/2 hr layover in ATL - hope I can get online so I can update you on my moods etc. IM EXHAUSTED... and headed to hell aka work - so all this after a long stressful day @ the office. THis is going to be interesting!~ See yall soon!
Flight leaves @ 7:55pm, I arrive in BWI 1am. 2 1/2 hr layover in ATL - hope I can get online so I can update you on my moods etc. IM EXHAUSTED... and headed to hell aka work - so all this after a long stressful day @ the office. THis is going to be interesting!~ See yall soon!