Back to business... and stay home for a few weeks

The last few weekends of travel have been eventful to say the very least, not very productive so it's time to re=assess and re-evaluate what I am doing wrong and fix the problems. Lesson #1 - don't leave ANYTHING in the hotel rooms. In both Miami and North Carolina I left items in the rooms and ofcourse none of them were returned. Hotel policies require that the housekeeping staff ONLY throw away food items and packaging, however I left my Rocawear jacket AND Canon cam corder charger in Miami and ofcourse it wasn't turned into lost and found. Then in NC I left model forms and a notebook (which I am SURE they read) and that wasn't turned in either. Aside from the obvious flight delays, my luggage being lost and not delivered until late Saturday... it's time for a small break from travel. I did get a free voucher to fly from Airtran... so that's always a plus! Where should I go?

I wished that my call to Big Butt Magazine about my misplaced orders was as successful, but can't say that about them. Time to get it together.
