Hey there my loyal on-lookers! Finally I am here to give you the scoop on what's been going on with me the last week. Tons of fun, fa show and even some trials and tribulations. First and foremost, I made it to Chicago but not without some unnecessary bullshit brought on by someone I thought would have my back. Without divulging details and names I will simply say it's a real fucked up situation and HE knows he did wrong. So THAT I leave at that, and lead onto my shoot with THICK CHICK ACADEMY which went real smooth. We got some really hot shots which you can see on an up and coming update. 

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet the infamous FREAKy of Lil Freak in U at the convention. We made arrangements to shoot after the Expo and right on time he came prepared and ready to get in the Platinum Puzzy. The shoot was awesome, tons of fun and we got some AWESOME content! It was great working with him and I definitely co-sign on that!

SO I am back in NY chillin and Jonny Slim of Brazen Boys hits me up to shoot. A LONG awaited shit talking rival on Twitter so to finally get to meet him and Joe Money and then SHOOT with them was amazing. The chemistry was off the chain, and the shoot was FATabulous! They are super cool.. and even the BIG GIRL haters on Twitter had nothing on us!
My radio show starts Friday Oct 2 - RADIO DENTATA so TUNE IN!~
Working my way to Los Angeles - stay tuned!
My radio show starts Friday Oct 2 - RADIO DENTATA so TUNE IN!~
Working my way to Los Angeles - stay tuned!