Things have gotten so busy that I forgot my birthday is NEXT week Tuesday! So when I do my radio show make sure you call in 9pm est to wish me a happy birthday 646-200-0474. This Tuesday is Sara Jay will discuss Kimora Klein's terrible accident and how YOU can help Kimora with a speedy recovery! Make sure you tune in to PLATINUM PUZZY RADIO!
So what do I want for my birthday? You can check out my wishlist here **WISHLIST** - I am so appreciative for everything you have NO idea! I love you guys...
So what's happened? I have left Vegas and headed to L.A. Vegas was GOOD times, no doubt. I had the opportunity to shoot with Danny Blaq and BBW_TeedraDiora. Great performers and a TON of fun! Behind the scenes footage coming soon! Best of wishes to Mark Hardstaff & Selena Swallows! Thank you so much for puttin me up, shooting content and being so sweet! Great ideas flowing and will be GREAT business ventures for sure!
I had to take the bus to L.A. since there is no train. Grrr... the station was CRAZY! But.. the bus ride was SOOO cool. My webmasters picked me up and I chilled for the remainder of th day. I was exhausted. The following day I got a room at the Embassy Suites in Santa Ana. BEAUTIFUL property and an amazing room. Shot a ton of footage for my website including a SUPER SEXY scene with ROCK THE ICON. Talk about water falls, the bed was DRENCHED!
Now I am with the fam, doing the visiting thing for a couple of days. Headed to Valencia, CA (By Magic Mountain) which I really want to go to BAD! I am such an amusement park junkie! Going to be shooting with Reyna Cruz!! YaY! Hoping that the male talent comes thru too! It's a SHOOT A THON!! LOL maybe we can get some hot n sexy cam shows... wanna see some? Email me platinumpuzzy@gmail.com
Next stop? HOME. Going to take some time off to enjoy my birthday and spend some time with important people. I may hit Orlando Feb 3rd. Hoping that comes through :) If you are in the Orlando area and want to come see me I will be on W. Colonial Rd.
Time to hit the streets! Catch ya (or your cum) lol later!