I left Florida Jan. 5th and flew into Little Rock, AR where I met up with Sienna Hills. We had so much to do before taking off, but eventually we got the truck all packed up and hit the road around 2pm. We had to be in L.A. for Playboy/Spice radio for the "The Jerk Box" show with hostess Kylie Ireland. We got there around 6ish, and eager to get on the air and talk about BBWFANFEST 2012. She was a lot of fun, totally hot and enjoyed being on her show. The following day we went to see my parents, and enjoyed some time with them.
Following the radio show, we got dressed and headed to Club Bounce to meet up with Damali X Dares, Delilah Black, Kacey Parker, and a few others. We had a good time meeting and catching up.
Monday it was all business, and another interview on the Ginger Lynn Show. We attended the Xbiz Retail show where we talked to all kinds of B2B (Business 2 business) retailers, vendors and distributors. We made some awesome contacts, and networked our asses off. Progress is the word of the day.
Tuesday we hit up Xbiz again, then got ready for the awards. Once we were all glammed up and red carpet ready, we fought LA and Hollywood traffic and finally met up with Pornstarroadtrip to ride in the RV to the awards. Gotta love my PSRT family. We had a BLAST! The awards were cool, but didn't stay long as we were hungry/ Off to Jan's & Astros we went. Great food... and I have to give them props for letting us stay even though we were loud, obnoxious and graphic. What else do you expect from a group of pornstars?

Thursday, It dawned on me that we were on a radio show with THE GINGER LYNN and she wanted to shoot us for her auction site GingerLynnAuctions.com. We were running late after being stuck in hours of traffic but finally pulled up to her huge house in the hills and began getting ready to shoot. Such a sweet lady, we shot for a few hours and she was totally impressed with my ability to shoot with no to little instruction. Amazed that she doesn't work with more professionals, I was flattered to be considered a rare find. We discussed business and tossed some ideas, and inevitably made a great business contact. We have some geat projects in the works and for now you can find the latest update on her auction page by clicking the banner below.
Today I have finally taken some time to get some work done, answer emails, and do some of the things I simply haven't had time to do since leaving Fl. It's been crazy insane but I can say that I am happy with where things are going. We are on Playboy Radio again tonight with Jessica Bangkok and off to Vegas tomorrow. Make sure you tune in