So Friday, February 1st was my 38th birthday. Yes, I am a cougar, MILF/GILF and an MATURE woman. Mature by the standards of age, because personality wise I am a HUGE kid! I have to say I am TOTALLY spoiled with my best friend being Desiree Devine and surrounded by some of the greatest people EVER, Las Vegas was DEFINITELY the right move for me!
The festivities began on Thursday, when one of our good friends and owner of Plush Night Club took us to dinner at Olive Garden. Great conversation, good food, and awesome company. Totally appreciate being spoiled! My actual birthday was a great day as well with my bestie and roommate Desiree Devine as my official guide to good times. We got up, got breakfast and some Red Box movies and lounged. We were going to go to Fremont Experience but chose to stay in and get rested for the big party on Saturday at Plush Night Club in it's new venue "Wish Vegas."
Saturday was a busy day, ripping and running and getting everything ready for the party. The venue is beautiful and definitely has a spacious, classy and comfortable feel to it. I gotta say, this is definitely a great place for Plush. I was greeted by a lot of my friends where it took nearly an hour before I could sit down in the VIP area which was reserved for me with a bottle of Sky Vodka. I danced, socialized, posed for photos and got a few lapdances that left my panties DRENCHED! Much to my surprise, one of the sweetest ladies I know brings out a white cake with a big pink bow and polka dots that says HAPPY BIRTHDAY PLATINUM PUZZY! I nearly shed a few tears from the enjoyment!
I continued dancing, and being pampered with love from everyone. Highlight came when the night was wearing down, people were leaving and Desiree Devine, Teedra Diora and myself were in the VIP area next the dance floor when there was a testosterone dance off with 2 guys doing some of the craziest dancing I have ever seen! OMG, we were crying laughing it was so funny! I was sure someone ordered them just for my personal laughter!
We finished up the night with a bunch of the crew from the club and headed to Bootleggers which is in front of the club. We laughed, did speed dating simulation videos and ate some decent food. Wasn't our normal Blueberry Hill, which we love but being surrounded by tipsy funny folks makes for a great environment.
I must say... I totally felt like a princess and had a BLAST! This definitely goes down in the history books as one of my favorite birthdays EveR!